Equipment Database

Comprehensive database of weapons, armor, and items in Jujutsu Kaisen: Infinite


Rusty Katana

Rusty Katana

++5% M1/CriticalDMG
1. One-Two: Double slash.
2. Blade Spin: Spinning melee attack.
Purifying Dagger

Purifying Dagger

++10% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Dagger Throw: Throw a piercing dagger.
Iron Blade

Iron Blade

++10% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Lunge: Short lunge and stab.
Slaughter Demon

Slaughter Demon

++5% M1/CriticalDMG
++10% AttackSpeed
1. Slide Slice: Slide on the ground and slash enemies on the way.
2. Demon Chop: Slash and knock an enemy upwards.
Inverted Spear of Heaven

Inverted Spear of Heaven

++5% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Spear: Dash forward and slice an enemy.
2. Sever: Double-slash an enemy and apply bleed.
3. Throat Gouge: Backstab an enemy, dealing massive damage.
4. Nullify: Bypasses all iframe moves.
Viscera Scyhte

Viscera Scyhte

++10% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Visceral Frenzy: Multi-hit melee attack.
2. Rending Sawblade: Throw your scythe and drag an enemy on hit.
3. Sweeping Maim: Windup and knock an oponent upwards.
Electric Staff

Electric Staff

++5% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Electric Sweep: Short-range lightning attack.
2. Electric Bolt: Piercing bolt of lightning.
Split Soul

Split Soul

++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-10% AttackSpeed
1. Soul Slice: Dash forward and cut an enemy.
2. Soul Stream: Double-slice an enemy and knock them upwards.
Dragon Bone

Dragon Bone

++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-10% AttackSpeed
1. Ambush: Dash forward and slam the ground with an AoE attack.
2. Energy Dispell: Charge your energy and release an AoE blast.
Jet Black

Jet Black

++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-10% AttackSpeed
1. Shadow Strike: Flashstep forward and knock up enemies.
2. Shadow Barrage: Multi-hit melee attack.
Feathered Spear

Feathered Spear

++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-5% AttackSpeed
1. Quilled Javelin: Throw a projectile towards your cursor.
2. Piercing Plumage: Stab an enemy and blast them away.
Blood Sword

Blood Sword

++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-10% AttackSpeed
1. Demon Slashes: Slash&dash and drag enemies forward
2. Blood Pact: AoE attack with guard break


++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-5% AttackSpeed
1. Unforgiving Snow: Summon a shadow that slices your opponent.
2. Wilting Snow: Summon a shadow and perform a combo.
3. Rising Snow: Slice upwards, dragging an enemy into the air and flurrying them.
Ravenous Axe

Ravenous Axe

++25% M1/CriticalDMG
-10% AttackSpeed
1. Ravenous Flock: Piercing AoE attack that marks enemies.
2. Crow Strike: Attack that impales enemies (increased DMG if they are marked).
3. Flock of Many: Hold to turn into a flock of crows, gaining speed and iframes.
The Impossible Dream

The Impossible Dream

++20% M1/CriticalDMG
-10% AttackSpeed
1. Le Sangre De Sancho: Impale an enemy and knock them back.
2. Thrust: Quickly dash, impaling enemies on the way.
Playful Cloud

Playful Cloud

++25% M1/CriticalDMG
-5% AttackSpeed
1. Playful Strike: Attack three times and knock the enemy back.
2. Chained Dropkick: Grab an enemy and knock them back.
Inventory Curse

Inventory Curse

1. Weapon Cycle: Allows you to cycle between three curse weapons (Playful Cloud, Split Soul, Inverted Spear of Heaven)
Heian Gauntlet

Heian Gauntlet

++15% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Calamity: Downslam, causing an AoE blast.
2. Calamity: Barrage of close-range attacks.
Turbo Mask

Turbo Mask

++15% M1/CriticalDMG
1. Squat Rush: Jumping dash that ends with an attack.
2. Cannonball: Launch yourself, tackling an opponent on hit.
Winter Bell

Winter Bell

++5% M1/CriticalDMG
++20% AttackSpeed
1. Freezing Bell: Drop a bell in the target area that freezes enemies.
2. Joyful Ringing: Ring the bell and apply -25% DEF on nearby enemies.